Ayurvedic Tongue Scraping is an ancient pittakapha balancing practice performed to remove toxins, bacteria, and debris from the tongue, promoting oral hygiene and enhancing taste. Learn this ancient daily routine and which tongue scraper is for you. In Ayurveda, different metals are believed to offer unique benefits: Copper: Known for its anti-microbial properties, copper tongue scrapers are great for reducing bacteria and improving digestion. Silver: These scrapers are cooling and soothing, making them ideal for individuals with Pitta imbalances. Gold scrapers are believed to boost immunity and enhance overall health, suitable for balancing all doshas. Tongue scraping should be done every morning after brushing your teeth and before drinking water or consuming any food.
1) Empty bowels
2) Oil Pulling
*3) Tooth Brush/Tongue Scraping
4) Splash Eyes with water or Ayurvedic Eye Wash
5) Silk Glove Brushing/Body brushing/Tapping
6) Ushna Pana Chikitsa